Dawn Flash Junior Sports Fiesta is a collective initiative taken by the youth of B. Kamadhoo: a fiesta, for the students of B. Kamadhoo school. In an exclusive interview with a representative of the youth of B. Kamadhoo, we were given an insight on the Dawn Flash Junior Sports Fiesta.
This fiesta, according to them, began from the lack of opportunities for the young students to participate in tournaments. The main purpose of this fiesta is to teach the kids about the importance of living a good healthy life as well as taking part in healthy competition that can be experienced in tournaments.
This initiative allows school students to be able to participate in more sports tournaments as well as with the hopes of creating more potential sport players from B. Kamadhoo. There are two separate tournaments, for boys and girls. That is, for girls, there is a handball match organized and as for boys, a football match is organized.
A total of 57 students has chosen to participate in the fiesta: 24 boys for football and 33 girls for handball. The fiesta is to take place on 24 June 2021, on Thursday. And the fiesta will last up to 6 days.
The representative also expressed that there was a huge support from the parents, teachers as well as the citizens of the island and this as a result aided in their organization. Further, they also mentioned that aside from the champion team being awarded from each category; those of whom will receive a trophy, all students who are participating in the fiesta, will be awarded a medal or shield.
While organizing this fiesta, the representative explained that the biggest difficulty they faced was the problem of inadequate turf. They further mentioned that it is of great importance that the sponsors realize the incredible value of hosting such tournaments. Moreover, the representative of the youth of B. Kamadhoo concluded the interview in assuring us that despite the huge difficulties they faced, they will never give up in continuing to organize such events.