Ali Fayaz and Dheena Ahmed are the champions of the Mixed Doubles category in the ongoing Litus National Billiard Championship.
They faced off against Mohamed Shareef and Fazna Moosa’s pair in the final. Shareef and Fazna were the first pair that earned a spot in the final. Fayaz and Dheena defeated them in the final by a 7-4 frame.
Fazna and Shareef’s pair earned a spot in the final after winning all the matches that they played in. They even defeated Fayaz and Dheena’s pair in their match before the final. However, Fayaz and Dheena’s pair were very different in the final.
After losing to Fazna and Shareef in the group stage, Fayaz and Dheena had to play in the second semifinal. They defeated Yoosuf Zubair and Aminath Haleem’s pair by a 5-1 frame in the semifinal.
After winning the Mixed Doubles category, Dheena has become the first player to win first place in 2 categories of the National Championship. She had previously defeated Aminath Azra and become the winner of the National Singles Champion as well.