The MOU was signed during the visit of India’s TT Federation President, Mr. Vivek Kohli on April 2021. According to the President of TT Association of Maldives, Mr. Ali Rasheed, the MOU is contained within all the requests and mutual understanding of both alliances.
Mr. Ali Rasheed also highlighted the MOU with India to train Maldivian TT coaches is a huge milestone for the TT Association of Maldives. The agreement also emphasized along with giving training to the Maldives TT coaches in India, Indian coaches will also visit Maldives to carry training sessions.
Mr. Ali Rasheed mentioned that the training coaches that will visit to Maldives will be prioritized to carry training sessions to School TT coaches to strengthen the youth. Doing so, The TT Association of Maldives firmly believe that, it is a good opportunity to train young children and millennials to play TT and achieve future endeavors.