Due to the unfortunate Covid-19 situation in Maldives, Football association has requested to postpone the AFC cup which is to be held this month. This was addressed in a tweet by Minister Ahmed Mahloof, he stated that FAM and AFC has started talks in a time where the community is in panic due to the global pandemic.
The Covid cases has been increasing at a rapid speed for the past few days. The highest was yesterday where over 700 positive cases were found. The government has taken measures to control the spread and playing sports are only allowed under a special pass allowed from the government.
Health protection agency (HPA) has increased the measures last Monday. Although the Special pass was given to play the AFC cup Maldives has requested to postpone it. The other groups playing has already got the amended dates.
AFC cups play-off match is scheduled to be held on the 11th of this month where Club eagles from Maldives will be playing against Fc from Bangalore, India. The group stage matches are scheduled to be held from 14th till 21st of this month. The teams in group stage include Maziya from Maldives , Mohan Bagan from India and Bashundura Kings from Bangladesh.